This is probably the most long awaited and highly requested feature of the past five years of development.
The most obvious feature of 0.F is the addition of nested inventory, the ability to store items in containers and have them behave as you'd expect. Compared to 0.E, you may find it a little more difficult (the pendulum swings ever back and forth), but we think also more rewarding. We'd overall characterize 0.F as a release with a lot of content and polish. The goal was to have a smaller and more manageable release this cycle, which was an utter failure, as it took well over a year and by several measures was even larger than the 0.E cycle.
4500 new game entities were added, 123162 lines of source code were inserted, and 77727 lines were deleted. After a long and anticlimactic buildup, we are pleased to announce the release of stable version 0.F 'Frank' of Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead! Like our previous stable versions, this release features an expansive range of bugfixes, code and content additions, and new features.